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The packaging quandary

We try very hard to limit the impact we have on the environment, but sometimes it is difficult. Having decided to set up the online shop one of the challenges we have faced is how we would package the plants in a suitable material that would mean they would arrive at the customers door as fresh as they left the nursery. Frustratingly the alternatives to plastics we have tested so far have not proved suitable. So this has put us in a difficult situation. Do we risk providing a less than perfect product to our customers or go against our principles and chose a plastic packaging solution?

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The benefits of pesticide free produce

Back in 2012 we had a revelation. We were looking at the online market and realised consumers were not being given the option of being able to purchase pesticide and organic pesticide free vegetable plants. So we decided to change this, and now all our vegetable produce is grown free from pesticide of any kind, other than what is supplied naturally by mother nature.

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Bug Time!

As with all farming, timing is key to the success of the crop. Right now on the farm we are preparing for a new season of watercress by ensuring we have the right environment to encourage as many Ladybirds as possible...

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Garden Centres
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